IWS Award 2015
We received the IWS Award 2015 for the design, concept and planing of the RIANI Headquarters in Stuttgart on November 26, 2015.
The ImmobilienAward Stuttgart was awarded for the first time in 2007 and has become one of the most important prizes of its kind. Every two years, the IWS Immobilienwirtschaft Stuttgart awards this prize to innovative properties. Selection criteria include urban, architectural, technical and design aspects as well as ecological, economic and socio-cultural aspects. The prize is intended to show the potential of Stuttgart’s metropolitan region across Germany.
IWS award winner 2015:
The award ceremony for the IWS ImmobilienAward took place on November 26, 2015. As in previous years, many of the submissions were inspiring. While seventeen of these submissions were nominated, four of them received an award and three of them received a commendation.
Awards went to:
- “Bismarckhaus” Wohn- und Geschäftshaus, Stuttgart (Kat.: Wohnimmobilien)
- RIANI Headquarter – Schorndorf (Kat.: Industrie- und Logistikimmobilien)
- Neubau IHK Region Stuttgart – Stuttgart (Kat.: Büro- und Gewerbeimmobilien)
- Rems-Murr-Klinikum Winnenden (Kat.: Sonderimmobilien)